Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Merck Researcher Admits: Gardasil Guards Against Almost Nothing

Read my post about Gardasil at my Midwifery Blog 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oklahoma boiling...

Oklahoma City of all places has set an incredible amount of record high temperature in 2011 alone

Weather in OKC

Excerpts from the link "Weather in OKC" above:

Single Day Records
Record high OKC temperature
Record: 113 degrees - August 11, 1936.
Top 10 highest maximum temperatures in 2011:
  • 110 degrees on July 9. (tied for 3rd in history)
  • 110 degrees on August 5. (tied for 3rd in history)
  • 110 degrees on August 6. (tied for 3rd in history)
  • 109 degrees on August 2. (tied for 9th in history)
  • 109 degrees on August 3. (tied for 9th in history)
  • 108 degrees on July 7.
  • 108 degrees on August 4.
  • 108 degrees on August 8.
  • 108 degrees on August 24.
  • 108 degrees on August 28.

Record warmest low OKC temperature
Record: 83 degrees - July 25, 1934; August 1, 1934; August 12 & 13, 1936.

Top 10 highest low temperatures in 2011:
  • 81 degrees on July 10.
  • 81 degrees on August 3.
  • 81 degrees on August 4.
  • 81 degrees on August 6.
  • 80 degrees on June 27.
  • 80 degrees on July 7.
  • 80 degrees on July 27.
  • 80 degrees on August 28.
  • 80 degrees on August 30.
  • (11 days at 79 degrees.)      
Daily record high temperatures set in 2011:
  • June 17 - 103
  • June 18 - 104
  • June 19 - 101
  • June 27 - 103
  • June 30 - 102
  • July 7 - 108
  • July 9 - 110
  • July 10 - 105
  • July 27 – 107
  • August 3 – 108
  • August 4 – 108
  • August 5 – 110
  • August 6 – 110
  • August 8 – 108
  • August 20 – 105
  • August 23 – 106
  • August 24 – 108
  • August 27 – 105
  • August 28 – 108
  • August 31 – 105
Daily record max low temperatures set in 2011:
  • June 17 - 79
  • June 18 - 79
  • June 27 - 80
  • July 27 – 80
  • August 3 – 81
  • August 6 – 81
  • August 24 – 78
  • August 28 – 80
  • August 30 – 80
Record average high temperature in summer (Jun-Aug) - 96.2 degrees in 1998.

Average high temperature in summer 2011 (Jun - present) - 100.7 degrees.

Average temperature for hottest summer (Jun-Aug) - 85.9 degrees in 1934 and 1980.

Average temperature in summer 2011 (Jun - present) - 87.4 degrees.

Average first 90 degree day - May 6 (This year was April 3).

Average first 100 degree day - July 9 (This year was June 14).

Consecutive 90 degree days
Record: 71 days - June 23-Sept 1, 1980
2011: 71 days so far. (Tied 1st longest in history.)

110 degree days in calendar yearRecord: 3 days in 1936.
2011: 3 days. (tied for 1st most in history.)

105 degree days in calendar yearRecord: 17 in 1980.
2011: 21 days. (1st most in history)

100 degree days in calendar year
Record: 50 days in 1980.

2011: 60 days. (1st most in history.)

95 degree days in calendar yearRecord: 81 days in 1980.
2011: 82 days. (1st most in history.)

So how is this affective the public...


Heat-Related Deaths

Monday, August 29, 2011

[American Health Care System]: Third Leading Cause of Death

Excerpts from the book The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Thomas M. Campbell
Just How Unhealthy Are Americans? 

2/3 of Americans are overweight

1/3 Americans 21 years+ are obese
  • obese: he/she is carrying more than 1/3 of a person above and beyond a healthy weight
  • "similarly, frightening trends have been occurring in children as young as two years of age"
15 million Americans have diabetes
  • 34% of diabetics are unaware of their illness 

Half of Americans have a health problem that requires taking a prescription drug every week

100 million+ Americans have high cholesterol

1/3 Americans will die of heart disease

Americans male has 47% chance of getting cancer. American females have 38% chance (according to American Cancer Society)
  • at rates highest in the world 

Cleaning Up the Mess...?

In 1997, we spent over a trillion, yes $1,000,000,000,000+, on health care
  • $1 out of every $7 is spent on health care
 Health Care Financing Administration predicts we will spend $16,000,000,000,000 on health care by 2030
  • Yet we still have tens of millions of people without access to basic care (due to being uninsured)
But it doesn't add up...
#1: health care expenses
#37: health care system performances

How Are Our Hospitals Killing Us?

The category Adverse Drug Effects are "the hospitalized patients who die from 'noxious, unintended and undesired effect of a drug' which occurs at normal doses... with the use of approved medicines and correct medication procedures"
  • In addition, "One out of 15 of all hospitalized patients have experienced a serious adverse drug reaction, 'one that requires hospitalization, prolongs hospitalization, is permanently disabling or results in death'"
    • This number does not include tens of thousands who suffer from incorrect administration and use of these drugs, nor does it include adverse drug events that are labeled 'possible' effects or drugs that don't accomplish their goals 

Why Isn't Preventative Medicine Presented? 

Arguably, the main problems: Nutritional Confusion and Ulterior Motives ($$$:Insurance)
The Ulterior Motive spiel is a rant that I will prefer to keep you from reading as it is simply a rant... no matter how true it is

I will not get in to the effects of animal products on health in this post... I will post this when I have more time. But for now, look at the difference in the current American diet and the disease-preventing nutritional diet based on the most nutrient-dense food per calorie consumed
Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. —Hippocrates

All Too Often, Fancy Outweighs Fact

Further Resources:

FAQ's by Dr. Fuhrman
The China Study
The China Study in the NYTimes
Food Matters

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Louis Pasteur was [WRONG]

Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory of Disease was wrong :(

  • Germ theory- outside micro-organisms are the primary causal agents for disease 
  • Cellular theory-micro-organisms become pathogenic only after the health of the host organism deteriorates
    • germ theory suggests disease can 'strike' anybody anytime; cellular theory says disease is created by unhealthy conditions, germs causes diseases only where there is lack of health
    • germ theory says we must 'build defenses' with vaccines, antibiotics and other drugs; cellular theory tells us to create health (an environment germs cannot live)
    • germ theory sold for 3 reasons: easy to explain, blames diseases outside of ourselves, creates market for drugs and vaccines (multi billion $ investment)
  • "Virus of cancer (or any other bacteria) can be easily changed into the type of (healthy) bacteria that normally inhabits the colon, and it can also be changed into the destructive bacteria of typhoid simply by altering the media in which it is grown...In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is the chemical constituents of these micro-organisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease"-Dr. Royal Raymond Rife after inventing series of very powerful microscopes and studying germs in different conditions
  • "There is no particularly fixed species of different germs and they all had the capacity to change their structure with the changes in their nutrients"-Dr. Rosenow
  • "Simple bacteria forms like streptococci (pus germs) could be made to assume all of the characteristics of pneumoncocci (pneumonia germs_ simply by feeding them on pneumonia virus and making other minor modifications in their environment. When Dr. Rosenow reversed the procedure and fed pneumonia germs on pus, they quickly changed into streptococci. Many other experiments were carried on, and, in every instance, the germs, regardless of type, changed into other types when their food and environment were altered" -Dr. James review of Dr. Rosenow's study published in Journal of Infectious Diseases
"There are no specific diseases: there are specific disease conditions" -Florence Nightingale, British nurse
"Herein lies the key to avoiding disease. We can create in our colon, and in our entire body, an environment that nourishes beneficial bacteria and does not provide the ingredients for disease. In this environment, beneficial bacteria will flourish and disease-causing bacteria will either starve, fail to reproduce or else be transformed into beneficial bacteria that actually nourishes your body. It sounds amazing, but it's been seen under a microscope 'as clear as a cat in your lap'". 

I also wrote many shocking. interesting. unbelievable. facts we aren't told about vaccinations: New Blog- Complete Post on Truth about Vaccines

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Most Insane Things Done to Get Outta Something

Taking extreme measures to get off the hook

1. Stab Yourself

  •  man called into work and said he was stabbed by three men and continued to explain the men's appearances
  • he didn't just give the excuse, he actually stabbed himself repeatedly 
  • his wounds were potentially lethal wounds requiring stiches
  • local K-9 units and five other agencies were called on the case
  • No evidence pointed this to anyone but himself
  • Incident took place outside a Target, to get out of his job at movie store Blockbuster
  • Denver, Colorado
2. Fake a Heart Attack

  • man could not pay his bill at a restaurant ($23), so he faked a heart attack at the restaurant table
  • did this twice in one day
  • first being dropped off by a cab, couldn't pay the bill, faked heart attack and driver drove off
  • man was surprised his scheme worked and tried it again after ordering a steak dinner in mall restaurant
  • ambulance was called, hospital soon realized he was faking
  • police charged him with fraud; if convicted: nine months in jail and fine of $10,000
  • Wisconsin
 3. Set Car on Fire

  • woman pulled over for drunk driving 
  • reverses into cop car
  • flees seen and pulls car into ditch 
  • removes license plate and lights car on fire 
  • but woman doesn't think out entire plan, she remains at scene standing next to her car on fire still drinking 
4. Car Chase to Avoid Church

  • 7-year old boy desperately wanted to skip church
  • He excused himself and stole his dad's car
  • Went on wild police chase before running into someone's house 
  • No one was charged
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
5. Report Fake Kidnapping to get out of Showing Parents Report Card

  • young boy schemed up a story to tell his parents to avoid showing them his grades
  • he reported he was kidnapped at gunpoint and taken into car
  • But because of his sharp skills, he was able to escape but his book bag had to remain in the car
  • Parents were suspicious of his lack of details and soon the boy confessed
  • Alabama
6. Choose Jail rather than Face Crappy Life
  • man completely unhappy with life: paying child support to his child who refused to talk to him, no marriage, no happiness 
  • decided to rob a bank complete with going unmasked, writing threatening note with fingerprints on it, turned to face the camera and shrugged 
  • man went home to wait on cops to take him in
  • man was hoping jail sentence would give him a few years to sort his life out and knew bills wouldn't be sent there 
  • unfortunately, his sentence was 25 years in a state prison 
  • his child support: less than $700; his job: personal director: $60,000/year
7. Fake Own Death
  • man paranoid police were closing in on him after lifelong drug trading faked his death just days before his wedding
  • man was on vacation with fiance when he went "missing" ocean off Florida coast and police reported he drowned 
  • man faked double life for 20 years: had ex-wife, fiance, and 4-year old daughter at the time
  • man was later pulled over and forced to confess as his new name has no registry 
  • police didn't charge man with anything 
  • he was pulled over for not having light on license plate 
  • there was never any warrant, and police were never searching for him 
  • he assumed he was being watched by police and he was going to be in for, but they had no idea...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Worst Beverages in America

REPOSTED from article


Worst Water: Snapple Agave Melon Antioxidant Water
(1 bottle, 20 fl oz)
150 calories
0 g fat
33 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 2 Good Humor Chocolate Éclair Bars

Worst Bottled Tea: SoBe Green Tea
(1 bottle, 20 fl oz)240 calories
0 g fat
61 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 4 slices Sara Lee Cherry Pie

Worst Energy Drink: Rockstar Energy Drink
(1 can, 16 fl oz)280 calories
0 g fat
62 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 6 Krispy Kreme Original Glazed Doughnuts

Worst Bottled Coffee: Starbucks Vanilla Frappuccino
(1 bottle, 13.7 fl oz)
290 calories
4.5 g fat (2.5 g saturated)
45 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 32 Nilla Wafers

Worst Soda: Sunkist (1 bottle, 20 fl oz)
320 calories
0 g fat
84 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 6 Breyers Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches

Worst Beer: Sierra Nevada Bigfoot
(1 bottle, 12 fl oz)
330 calories
0 g fat
32.1 g carbohydrates
9.6% alcohol
Carbohydrate Equivalent: 12-pack of Michelob Ultra

Worst Kid Drink: Tropicana Tropical Fruit Fury Twister
 (1 bottle, 20 fl oz)
340 calories
0 g fat
60 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: Two 7-ounce canisters Reddi-wip

Worst Functional Beverage: Arizona Rx Energy
(1 can, 23 fl oz)
345 calories
0 g fat
83 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 6 Cinnamon Roll Pop-Tarts

Worst Juice Imposter: Arizona Kiwi Strawberry
(1 ca, 23 fl oz)
345 calories
0 g fat
81 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 7 bowls of Froot Loops

Worst Espresso Drink: Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha
with Whipped Cream (venti, 20 fl oz)
660 calories
22 g fat (15 g saturated)
95 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 8½ scoops Edy’s Slow Churned Rich and Creamy Coffee Ice Cream

Worst Lemonade: Auntie Anne’s Wild Cherry Lemonade Mixer
(32 fl oz)
470 calories
0 g fat
110 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 11 bowls of Cookie Crisp cereal

Worst Hot Chocolate: Starbucks White Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream
(venti, 20 fl oz)
520 calories
16 g fat (11 g saturated)
75 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 9 Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats

Worst Frozen Mocha: Così Double Oh! Arctic Mocha
(gigante, 23 fl oz)
662 calories
26 g fat (15 g saturated)
88 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 19 Oreo Cookies

Worst Frozen Coffee: Dairy Queen Caramel MooLatte
(24 fl oz)
870 calories
24 g fat (19 g saturated, 1 g trans)
112 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 12 Dunkin’ Donuts Bavarian Kreme Doughnuts

 Worst Margarita: Traditional Red Lobster Lobsterita
(24 fl oz)
890 calories
0 g fat
183 g carbohydrates
Carbohydrate Equivalent: 7 Almond Joy candy bars

Worst Float: Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Soda (vanilla ice cream and cola)
(large, 28.6 fl oz)
960 calories
40 g fat (25 g saturated, 1.5 g trans)
136 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 9.7 Fudgsicle fudge bars

Worst Frozen Fruit Drink: Krispy Kreme Lemon Sherbet Chiller
(20 fl oz)
980 calories
40 g fat (36 g saturated)
115 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 16 medium-size chocolate eclairs
Worst Drive-thru Shake: McDonald’s Triple Thick Chocolate Shake
(large, 32 fl oz)
1,160 calories
27 g fat (16 g saturated, 2 g trans)
168 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 13 McDonald’s Baked Hot Apple Pies

Worst Smoothie: Smoothie King Peanut Power Plus Grape 
(large, 40 fl oz) 1,498 calories
44 g fat (8 g saturated)
214 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 20 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Worst Beverage in America: Cold Stone PB&C
(Gotta Have It size, 24 fl oz)
2,010 calories
131 g fat (68 g saturated)
153 g sugars
Sugar Equivalent: 30 Chewy Chips Ahoy Cookies