Saturday, July 16, 2011

Louis Pasteur was [WRONG]

Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory of Disease was wrong :(

  • Germ theory- outside micro-organisms are the primary causal agents for disease 
  • Cellular theory-micro-organisms become pathogenic only after the health of the host organism deteriorates
    • germ theory suggests disease can 'strike' anybody anytime; cellular theory says disease is created by unhealthy conditions, germs causes diseases only where there is lack of health
    • germ theory says we must 'build defenses' with vaccines, antibiotics and other drugs; cellular theory tells us to create health (an environment germs cannot live)
    • germ theory sold for 3 reasons: easy to explain, blames diseases outside of ourselves, creates market for drugs and vaccines (multi billion $ investment)
  • "Virus of cancer (or any other bacteria) can be easily changed into the type of (healthy) bacteria that normally inhabits the colon, and it can also be changed into the destructive bacteria of typhoid simply by altering the media in which it is grown...In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is the chemical constituents of these micro-organisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease"-Dr. Royal Raymond Rife after inventing series of very powerful microscopes and studying germs in different conditions
  • "There is no particularly fixed species of different germs and they all had the capacity to change their structure with the changes in their nutrients"-Dr. Rosenow
  • "Simple bacteria forms like streptococci (pus germs) could be made to assume all of the characteristics of pneumoncocci (pneumonia germs_ simply by feeding them on pneumonia virus and making other minor modifications in their environment. When Dr. Rosenow reversed the procedure and fed pneumonia germs on pus, they quickly changed into streptococci. Many other experiments were carried on, and, in every instance, the germs, regardless of type, changed into other types when their food and environment were altered" -Dr. James review of Dr. Rosenow's study published in Journal of Infectious Diseases
"There are no specific diseases: there are specific disease conditions" -Florence Nightingale, British nurse
"Herein lies the key to avoiding disease. We can create in our colon, and in our entire body, an environment that nourishes beneficial bacteria and does not provide the ingredients for disease. In this environment, beneficial bacteria will flourish and disease-causing bacteria will either starve, fail to reproduce or else be transformed into beneficial bacteria that actually nourishes your body. It sounds amazing, but it's been seen under a microscope 'as clear as a cat in your lap'". 

I also wrote many shocking. interesting. unbelievable. facts we aren't told about vaccinations: New Blog- Complete Post on Truth about Vaccines

Thursday, July 14, 2011