Friday, February 11, 2011

log cabin = paradise

I need a log cabin.
Why is the world so fast? When can we make time to sit. to watch. to think. to sleep. to enjoy. to explore.
Things pass by unnoticed, changed before admired. Trees torn down, roads invading.
Things aren't fun anymore, just fast.
Not even time for a chat over coffee with no agenda. Always cut short by someone's calender.
When's the time in life to explore? to travel? to be yourself without having to perform (job, school)?
Can't life be okay without the rush and the prodding? I'd happily give up the most modern technology if people could chill out... just live
Living doesn't equal work
Living doesn't equal school
I believe they are necessarily, but not all-consuming
Can we all just breath. just look around. just love it as it is, right now.

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