Friday, February 11, 2011

Superbowl SEATS DENIED AS 'UNSAFE'! real seats, real tickets sent out...

I could not believe this when I heard it!

One resource said Superbowl sold more tickets than the seats they had. Other resources said seats were deemed unsafe and had to be relocated. Whatever the reason,
 1250 seats had to be relocated.
850 fans were relocated to another seat or standing area in the stadium while
400 were turned away.
Legit seats number, legit tickets.
The officials said they knew about the problems days in advance.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said, "Anytime you have an event of this magnitude, you do have challenges. We apologize to those fans that were impacted by this. We will certainly do a thorough review and get to the bottom of why it all occurred but we take full responsibility for that as putting on this game."

However, The devastaed fans now have options for their 'refund':

1. Ticket to next year's Super Bowl (is transferrable) and $2400 (3 times face value of Super Bowl ticket)

2. Future Super Bowl ticket (not transferable) with tound-trip airfare and hotel

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