Friday, February 11, 2011

SuPeR GRANNY saves jewelry store

75 year old grandmother took action when she noticed a band of men attempting to rob a jewlery store at Northampton, England.

She alone fought the men off with her purse and successfully got the men to flee with no damage.

"At first I thought one of them was being set upon by three others. ... I was not going to stand by and watch somebody take a beating or worse so I tried to intervene," the granny said. "What concerned me was that too many people just stood around watching as if they were in shock and nobody was doing anything. ... When I got closer to them I realized it was a robbery and then I was even more angry that they felt they could get away with what they were doing in broad daylight."

She went on to say: "I'm not a hero and it was maybe foolish of me to get
involved but somebody had to do something. Now I just want to be left in peace.
 I feel very uncomfortable with all the press and media attention."

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